How many times does it happen that someone starts a blog after they break up with their significant other. I'm guessing it happens quite a bit. So after a couple of weeks of pointless stewing I figure I better right down my thoughts instead.
I've been up and down with this breakup. Part of me is definately feeling the sting. It wasn't until I realized that I hadn't been physically attracted to her for the better part of the last year that I began to feel a tad bit better. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I've had sex with her when I wasn't envisioning that I was with someone else. That can't be healthy now...can it?
I mean I miss a lot of the little things, and I was definately emotionally attracted to her. But the fact that she couldn't even get me turned on anymore is a preety good indication that this breakup was probably the right thing in the long run. I don't want to be in a marriage where I'm having to go out and find a sex life somewhere else.
I also realized that as angry as I am over the way she's treated me, this is all really an orchestration of my own creation. I knew when I began the process of trying to seperate that it could lead down this path. I think if I was more secure in our relationship then I wouldn't have began this journey in the first place.